11 July 2022 | Workshop General Awareness Quantum Computing
The workshop General Awareness Quantum Computing introduces you to the impact that quantum computing will have on your organisation, and on businesses and society at large. The audience needs not have prior knowledge of quantum physics, but should possess common knowledge of everyday computers. When done, you will have a general understanding of the possibilities, […]
Masterclass Business Cases voor Quantum Computing
De impact van kwantumcomputers kan enorm zijn. Daarom organiseert Quantum.Amsterdam samen met de Amsterdam Busines School een nieuwe 1-daagse Masterclass Business Cases for Quantum Computing.
Part 1: The background: why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology?
The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial […]
Preface: Professional’s Guide to Quantum Computing
The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology By Koen Groenland Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look […]