
Hybridisation Minor (QTLC-A)

“Removing physical barriers to pursue the best educational opportunities in Quantum Technology across the Netherlands.”

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What do we do?

Making the offering of a Minor in Quantum Technology, mainly taught from Amsterdam, more easily accessible for students who are not from this region by offering the program (partially) online.

Why do we do it?

The minor Applied Quantum Computing will be offered for the third time in 2024. The foundation for this minor is established in the bootcamp “Introduction to Quantum Computing.” In order to make the minor more accessible for students from other universities of applied sciences and to avoid requiring them to always come to Amsterdam for education or project participation, we are exploring blended learning techniques. This requires adjustments to the courses and technical support.

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Our Current Partners

hogeschool van amsterdam


  • Marc Bremer, applied physics at HvA – m.w.a.bremer@hva.nl 
  • Robert Meijeringh, mathematics ICT at HvA – r.m.meijeringh@hva.nl