Talent and Learning Centre
“to make Quantum in education commonplace”
Welcome to the Quantum TLC Amsterdam!
Mission & Vision
The TLC aims to offer a comprehensive range of education developments related to quantum technology within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region, aligned and coordinated with the developments within the quantum ecosystem. Our mission is to increase the number of students in quantum technology, and our vision is to ensure alignment and integration.

French President Emmanuele Macron & King Willem-Alexander visiting Florian Schreck, one of the key researchers at the University of Amsterdam and an affiliate to the Quantum TLC in Amsterdam.
Origin & Organisational Positioning
QTLC Amsterdam is part of the executive approach of the Quantum DELTA Netherlands initiative.
Organisationally, QTLC-A is part of the HvA. Most of the focus projects of TLC Amsterdam in 2023 are directly linked to the student population at the HvA, due to our vicinity to this target group.

The Quantum Talent & Learning Centre Amsterdam (TLC-A) focusses on quantum technology education in the Amsterdam region.
TLC-A helps everybody who is interested in education in the domain of quantum technology by making clear what workshops, courses, events, programs and meetups are offered. QTLC-A helps educational developers to extend or improve their offering or even initiates specific workshops or training.
Upcoming & Past Events
Colloquium Series: Quantum Talks
In June 2023 the Quantum TLC Amsterdam hosted its first of a series of “Quantum Talks”, small-scale lectures that aim to address different subfields of quantum in an accessible manner. This edition of the QTalks was hosted by Prof Dr Christian Schaffner. He discussed the promising possibilities and daunting threats of quantum-secure cryptography in his talk. You can find a recording of the talk by clicking the red button on the left.

Snippets from the Quantum Talks: Quantum-Secure Cryptography talk. 12 June 2023.
Quantum Summer School

The Applied Quantum Computing summer course offers several perspectives on quantum computing. Students will receive an introduction to understanding and developing applications for this far-sighted and rapidly developing topic.
The course includes a one-day excursion to leading innovation hubs Quantum Delft, Nikhef, QuSoft and The Quantum Experience Amsterdam.
National Launch Quantum TLC Netherlands
On the 7th of November the Quantum TLCs of Amsterdam, Delft/Leiden, Eindhoven and Twente hosted the National Opening Quantum Talent & Learning Centres!
During this quantum-filled afternoon we discussed the recent developments in quantum education including the TLC’s joint effort to improve and initiate education in Quantum technology and make the Netherlands a frontrunner in the field.
Get an impression of the National Opening below!

The TLCs kicked off the National Opening together with their respective audiences through a live-streamed introductory speech from TLC Twente.
Afterwards the Amsterdam audience got to enjoy talks by Keynote speakers Mischa Vos (Rabobank) & Julian van Velzen (Capgemini) on “Building a skilled Quantum Workforce”, admire quantum experiments demonstrated by students of the University of Amsterdam and talk to local quantum businesses.
Of course, the afternoon was wrapped up in celebratory fashion with a toast to the official opening of TLC NL as the next step in the quantum revolution!
Do you want know more about the opening of the Quantum Talent Learning Centres?
As part of the National Opening, quantum ambassador Diederik Jekel addressed all students in a video speech to emphasise their important for the future quantum-workforce. Watch it back here!
Additionally, Marten Teitsma, professor and program manager of Applied Quantum Computing at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and initiator of the TLC programme, recently spoke with Quantum Delta NL about the opening, the importance of the TLCs, and their collective goals for the future. Read more about it here!
TLC Amsterdam - Running Projects
About Us
Quantum Delta Netherlands, enacted by the Nationaal Groeifonds in 2021, was tasked to build the Netherlands’ quantum ecosystem. One of its focus areas is to create an education environment in the Netherlands that trains top talent in quantum technology by focussing on:
- Strengthening the existing university knowledge base
- Connecting university education (WO) with higher professional (HBO) and vocational (MBO) education
- Lowering boundaries to access technology and facilities within the ecosystem
- Creating additional opportunities for top talent researchers, students and professors
- Cultivating interest in quantum among the youngest generation of students
To ensure success in these subfields, four “Talent & Learning Centers” were called to action — QTLC-A is one of these!
The Quantum Talent & Learning Center (QTLC) Amsterdam is an educational hub that connects all developments related to quantum technology with education, in collaboration with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and Quantum.Amsterdam (Q.A). The TLC focuses on creating added value through collaboration between different types of education, connecting quantum technology with higher education (universities), vocational education, secondary education, and primary education. Furthermore, the TLC aims to connect and improve quantum technology education with the goal of increasing the number of students in quantum technology in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region (MRA). Lastly, the TLC frequently exchanges knowledge and expertise with the three TLCs in the other focus regions in Twente, Eindhoven and Delft/Leiden.
National Education Partnership: TLC Hubs Netherlands
Contact the TLC in the Amsterdam region to get more information on general or very specific workshops, multi-day courses or even complete programs, and get an answer to your educational questions!
Ilse Geurts – i.c.m.geurts@hva.nl (Project manager)
- TLC Amsterdam – qtlcamsterdam-ft@hva.nl (General)
The Quantum Talent & Learning Centre Amsterdam is supported by Quantum Delta Netherlands (QDN