
Quix opens new Amsterdam office

The market leader in quantum computing with light has a new office in Amsterdam. This is QuiX Quantum’s third standing office since 2019, shortly following another one of their new offices in Ulm with the German Aerospace Center that they won to build a €14 M quantum computer based on photonics.

QuiX Quantum purposefully locates a new office in Amsterdam at the Startup Village, in the Amsterdam Science Park. This new location will undoubtedly allow for strategic relationships to blossom within the quantum ecosystem with closer proximity to excellences in the quantum information science and community such as QuSoft, The University of Amsterdam, the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Quantum.Amsterdam.

“We are happy to see the Amsterdam quantum ecosystem growing with another Dutch company: we are welcoming QuiX Quantum to their new offices at the Startup Village of Science Park Amsterdam”, says Dr. Victor Land, Institute Coordinator Research Center for Quantum Software QuSoft for Quantum.Amsterdam. Quantum.Amsterdam is founded by QuSoft, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), and Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA).

“It is great to see QuiX Quantum opening up an office at Startup Village. It shows how the quantum community in Amsterdam is taking off and it also brings interesting new quantum technology developments close to QuSoft. We are looking forward to fruitful collaborations with QuiX and welcome them to the quantum ecosystem in Amsterdam!”, adds Christian Schaffner, Professor Theoretical Computer Science, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam for QuSoft. 

Expanding to this vital location will also mean more talent attraction for the organization. In addition, QuiX Quantum will have an encouraging surrounding with business-oriented minds, necessary for the growth of the company. This will be the year of expansion for QuiX Quantum, and a lot of positions need to be filled as they undeniably and exponentially grow.

The start-up was founded in January 2019 in Enschede, the Netherlands. Since then, they have successfully commercialized market leading technology and recently raised and secured a funding worth €5.5million. Now, QuiX Quantum will be the first European company to further develop a Universal Quantum Computer based on photonics as a customer-specific development.

Schermafbeelding 2022 11 04 om 14.59.26

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