Part 4: The applications of quantum networks

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If we’re building computers that deal with qubits, superposition and entanglement, wouldn’t these computers also need some way to send qubits to each other? This is the dream of the quantum internet: a network that exchanges quantum-mechanical photons between devices all around the world, parallel to our well-known ‘classical’ internet. 

Part 8: The impact on cybersecurity

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Anyone who wants to understand the impact of quantum computers, will need to know their basics of cryptography. So let’s start at the beginning.

Part 6: How can your business get started with quantum computing?

what steps can businesses companies take in quantum professionals guide 1

The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial […]

Further reading: list of information resources about Quantum Computing

Overview of resources Want to read and learn more about Quantum Computing? Here are our recommendations to get started.  Updated March 2023 This list is part of the Professional’s Guide to Quantum Computing. The table of contents below lists other articles in this guide.  Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The […]

Part 5: When can we expect a useful quantum computer? A closer look at timelines


The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: How will these machines change society?  Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial fertilizer Part […]

Part 3: The search for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial fertilizer

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The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial […]

Part 1: The background: why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology?

The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look at artificial […]

Preface: Professional’s Guide to Quantum Computing

The professional’s guide to Quantum Technology By Koen Groenland Table of contents Preface: Why this guide? Part 1 – The background: Why are we so enthusiastic about Quantum Technology? Part 2 – The applications: What problems will we solve with Quantum Computers? Part 3 – The developments: Searching for a killer application, with a closer look […]