Koen Groenland


Koen Groenland
+31 (0) 20 592 43 08

Other Organizers

Marten Teitsma
Marten Teitsma
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Startup Village
Science Park 606, Amsterdam

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11 Jul 2022


13:00 - 16:30



11 July 2022 | Workshop General Awareness Quantum Computing

The workshop General Awareness Quantum Computing introduces you to the impact that quantum computing will have on your organisation, and on businesses and society at large. The audience needs not have prior knowledge of quantum physics, but should possess common knowledge of everyday computers. When done, you will have a general understanding of the possibilities, opportunities and threats that we can expect from quantum computers in the future.

  • Introduction to the principles of quantum computing
  • 3-hour workshop: no prior knowledge needed
  • Clear focus on business relevance: no difficult physics, but special attention to opportunities and threats
  • Non-profit by scientists: we tell an honest story


More information

During the 3.5 hours the workshop takes, first some elementary concepts of quantum mechanics are explained. It becomes clear that a quantum computer has a tremendous potential to solve various problems, but there are formidable challenges in building the right soft- and hardware. Moreover, there exist many myths and suggestive promises about the possibilities of quantum computers, many of which turn out to be false. Together with other participants and the presenters, you will discuss how quantum computing influences your business and what you should do to create opportunities. One of Quantum.Amsterdam’s core values is to avoid hyping quantum technology, but rather to tell a balanced and honest story. We are grateful for collaboration with ING, Rabobank and ABN AMRO during the development of this workshop.

The workshop is given at Startup Village @ Science Park in Amsterdam. In the case that this is not possible due to corona measures, there is the option to participate in the event online over Cisco Webex.
English language is used. Please register via de sign-up button (left). After registration, we will confirm your booking and contact you about payment information (typically by invoice). We charge 1oo euro per participant (excl. VAT).
After the workshop, there will be some time to socialize with the teachers and other participants while enjoying a snacks and a drink.

The workshop is taught by

Marten Teitsma is special professor in Applied Quantum Computing at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences which was established jointly with Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica. Marten holds a PhD on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. The focus of his research is on Quantum Software Engineering and responsible use of quantum technology. He has a special interest in enhancing the relation between research and education.

Koen Groenland is Quantum Innovation Officer at QuSoft, the research centre for quantum software. He’s responsible for making QuSoft’s research on quantum software and algorithm accessible to businesses and society. Additionally, Koen is community manager at Quantum.Amsterdam, where he organizes events, meetups and networking opportunities. Koen holds a PhD on the applications for near-term quantum devices.

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